Inscribed Emilia’s name, year of birth and year of death on the Licata family monument at St Charles Cemetery.Section 7 Range D Graves 149
Inscribed Emilia’s name, year of birth and year of death on the Licata family monument at St Charles Cemetery.Section 7 Range D Graves 149
Inscribed Paul J. Tufano’s name, year of birth and year of death on the Di Palma family monument at St Charles Cemetery.
Section 14 Range N Graves 31-35
Inscribed Lucy E’s name, year of birth and year of death on the Costa family monument at Holy Rood Cemetery Section 8 Range U Plot 100
Inscribed August J’s name, year of birth and year of death on the Savarese family monument at St. Philip Neri Cemetery.
Plot 18, Old Cemetery, Section 14